Growing our heritage: In Search of a full quiver Month 1

Well, we started this journey after our decision at the end of December 2016 and here we are.  It is September and W has been with us for a full month.  We knew the potential struggles and joys going into this matched adoption--but nothing can really prepare you.  It feels like a Tale of Two Cities, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"....ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
Our hearts are full, our plates are full, our schedules are full and slowly but surely our little arrow is getting more and more comfortable in his new quiver.
I'm not going to lie--some days are just plain hard and others are fantastic. On any given day I can find myself crying from exhaustion one moment (I used to think teacher tired was the worst, but new adoptive parent tired trumps it every time), and laughing with joy the next.  No matter what we are on this roller coaster for the long haul.
I want to thank those of you who have supported us in help with his transition via clothes, supplies etc. for W and we covet your prayers now more than anything.  If you are one of the individuals that work one-on-one with W at school or Church we thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for your care and patience.  W is making huge strides towards normalcy each and every day because of people like you.
I am often reminded throughout this new journey how Christ chose to die for our sins in order to justify our adoption as Christians even while we were yet still sinners.  We didn't earn our salvation--we never could meet that standard, but He gave His love and eventually His life while we were filthy, stubborn and ungracious. I fail every single day but this is where my mind goes when things get rough.  I love W when things are hard, uncomfortable, messy or exhausting because my Savior first loved me.

Here's to hangin on!
Read about  how we got here HERE
Here is our month TWO
Month FIVE
Month SIX

"Defend the weak and the fatherless;
uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed."
Psalm 82:3


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