Growing our Heritage from A-Z: In Search of a Full Quiver Month 3
Here we are again, I posted this early on in our adoption Journey with A and it still holds true: "It feels like a Tale of Two Cities, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"....ALL AT THE SAME TIME." Some days are great and some are terrible, horrible, awful but the struggle is worth it. We know that in adopting older boys we may very well be their last chance at a forever family, so we always go in knowing that the behaviors will be tough but that we will see it through. Our resolve has definitely been tested. However, by the grace of God and patience that surpasses all understanding, we continue to struggle through each issue as it arises.
We see massive gains yet there are still huge setbacks that require time to regain lost ground--but we are getting there. I am 'mommy' and my husband is "daddy" and I get tons of hugs and snuggles and "I Love Yous".
A few weeks ago, after a inconceivably rough day, as I was tucking Z into bed and he cupped my face in his hands and said, "Mommy, don't leave me", I replied that I would only be in the next room and wasn't really going anywhere. He shook his head no and said, "No, mommy, don't EVER leave me". In that moment I understood that he meant for life, not for that night or for bedtime. You see, these kids get accustomed to being sent away from a home when the going gets rough and the behaviors get tough. I assured him I am his and he is mine. Sometimes that's all it takes. A loving reassurance that this thing is forever---not a few months, or a few years but family FOREVER! Don't we all deserve that, regardless of our triggers, or tantrums or behaviors? I will continue to strive to be FOREVER for Z.
We see massive gains yet there are still huge setbacks that require time to regain lost ground--but we are getting there. I am 'mommy' and my husband is "daddy" and I get tons of hugs and snuggles and "I Love Yous".
