
Showing posts from 2017

Growing our Heritage: In Search of a Full Quiver Month 3

Wow!  Here we are, PAST the 3 month mark.  I feel as if we may have found our new rhythm of life.  Behaviors have calmed down, and all the pieces are beginning to blend together seamlessly.  We still have hard days, but their frequency continues to decrease.  If I'm honest, I can already feel the pull to do this all over AGAIN!  Yes, it is hard.  Yes, it is messy. Yes, it is stressful and conflict is inevitable.  But the benefits are so very great.  I have watched a child simply transform in front of my eyes in a very short 3 months.  I can think of no greater way to impact society, and The Kingdom, than to take a helpless/hopeless child and give them hope, love and a possibility for a future. We covet your prayers as there is still much to learn and so much ground to cover; but I have faith that all of the tears, time, effort, heart-break, frustration and exhaustion will pay off in the end. ALOT has changed for all of us th...

Growing our heritage: In Search of a full quiver Month 2

We are flirting with our two month mark--it is a few simple days away.  However, in adoption, no day is truly ever simple.  I recall myself dealing with an extremely petty situation at my child's school last week (one in which would have never been on my radar or high on my priority list FOR ANY of my children--let alone one with a history like, and dealing with issues like W...I'm a fan of simple, natural consequences) and this situation prompting me to say to my husband, "There are only so many things that I can possible say out loud (if you are a teacher think in the world of Think Alouds) every day and this just wasn't one of them".  However, for the other parent  involved, and the school, it was important so we did everything we could to comply.  But I distinctly remember myself thinking, this just isn't high on my priority list.  You see folks, when you are dealing with a child who has come from trauma you deal with the BIG issues first, and sometime...

In search of a full quiver: How we got here

So, many people have asked about our adoption journey--from the outside it most likely seemed like a sudden decision.  In reality, it was light years away from that.  God laid adoption on my heart about 4-5 years ago.  My family was blessed to be surrounded by family and friends who blazed this path long before us.  Through witnessing these stories, God softened my heart towards the plight of children awaiting adoption; specifically children who have lived through trauma and have been removed from their biological family for reasons outside their own control.  I approached Jason about 4-5 years ago and asked what he thought about adoption.  I had always wanted a larger family, but for him this was a bit much to process--you see, Jason is an only child.  We were stopped dead in our tracks after  the birth of our second child because I became seriously ill with an autoimmune disorder and having our own was no longer an option.  My heart i...

Growing our heritage: In Search of a full quiver Month 1

Well, we started this journey after our decision at the end of December 2016 and here we are.  It is September and W has been with us for a full month.  We knew the potential struggles and joys going into this matched adoption--but nothing can really prepare you.  It feels like a Tale of Two Cities , "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"....ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Our hearts are full, our plates are full, our schedules are full and slowly but surely our little arrow is getting more and more comfortable in his new quiver. I'm not going to lie--some days are just plain hard and others are fantastic. On any given day I can find myself crying from exhaustion one moment (I used to think teacher tired was the worst, but new adoptive parent tired trumps it every time), and laughing with joy the next.  No matter what we are on this roller coaster for the long haul. I want to thank those of you who have supported us in help with his transition...