The Sub Tub: Be prepared for a substitute teacher

As part of my MCC certification course I was assigned the task of making an organized resource for a substitute.  I am a pinterest junkie and I had seen the idea of a sub tub.  This is a hanging file folder tub with assignment choices, seating charts, procedures, pictures of where work should be turned in for each class and important locations of supplies etc, classroom rules, a map of the school, important phone numbers and even student pictures (if you feel really creative).
I know that I will have 2 classes this year, 7th grade life science and 8th grade earth science so I needed resources for both preps. 
So this is how I went about conquering this task...
I began by choosing activities that any sub could handle with little or no science experience--22 for each subject.  Yeah, I know that is allot but there is a method to my madness.  Every activity in my tub should take about 30 min of class time.  Since kids are a bit rambunctious anytime there is a sub, I figured 30 min should be a realistic amount of time for them to spend on a structured activity.  For both Earth and Life sciences, there are about 11 brainteaser activities that have nothing to do with science.  There are also about 11 content-related activities.  I did this because I have no way of knowing what we will be studying anytime that I am absent. 
The Tub is organized by folders ordered 1-22.  In my filing system L stands for life science and E stands for Earth science.  So my tabs read L1, E1, L2, E2 and so on.
I use the CHAMPS behavior method in my classroom to clearly state student expectations.
C-conversation voice level 0-4
H- help, how to get it
A- activity
M-movement, how you can move around the room
P-participation, how to show it
Inside all 44 folders there is the activity for that folder plus a substitute information sheet.  The sub info sheet includes a warm-up activity for students when they enter the room and the CHAMPS for that activity, how many days that activity should last plus what students should do once they finish the activity.

In addition to my sub tub I have a folder that I keep with me at home called my sub tub key.  This key has information about what activities are in each folder.  For instance I can simply crack open my key and see if there is an activity in-line with what we studied the day before and of not, then I can choose a brainteaser.  I then simply tell the sub to use folder E13 and L15.  All the work is already done and in my classroom.  The sub simply has to make copies and follow the info in the folder.  It only took me one evening to put this all together.  Not too difficult as long as you know ahead of time how you want to organize it.  I still need to get the pics of kids and important places around my classroom together--haven't had access to my room yet.  I think this will be a great asset for this upcoming year!  Thank you PINTEREST!


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