Family Dollar coupon trip 8/9/2011

So after my Dollar general excursion I made one more quick stop for the day.  I think Jason may just strangle me.  He appreciates the coupon savings but has to remind me occasionally that no matter how good the deal, we only have X amount of money to spend.  I sometimes get so excited about a deal that I forget the importance of the budget.

The deals I found there were as follows:Pringles on sale for $1.50 a can.  I had coupons for $1 off 4 and $1 off 2.  After my coupons and the sale i got 9 cans of pringles for $8.  That is less than a dollar a can.  Now, I definitely do not need 9 cans of Pringles chips so I chose a few to donate to our Church's meal ministry.
(The Church at Tree Lake hosts a Wednesday night meal for our deaf children's program and the community)

I found an in-store Family Dollar coupon for 50 cents off Always maxi plus I had a Manufacturer coupon.  The item was $3.15 before savings and I aid $2.50 total.
Colgate was on for $1 and I had 2 50 cent off coupons.  I purchased 2 tubes for 50 cents each.

Family Dollar had NYC brand lipcolor for $2 and I had a $1 off coupon so I paid $1.

Small trip.  I spent a total of $13.49 plus I got a catalina coupon for $5 off my next visit from 8/12-8/14.  I will be returning then!

Happy couponing!


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