Important couponing chore
Most couponers know the importance of keeping plenty of coupons. Alot of couponers even realize the value in having your coupons stored in an organized manner...some newby couponers, however, are not aware of the work and time it take to achieve and maintain this goal. Just as it is important to clip and store coupons it is also important to purge. Depending on how you shop: be it once a week, twice a month or once a month, your purging scheduel will vary. I shop twice a month--once every two weeks. The day of, or the day before I make my list, I sit down with my coupon binder and the sole task of getting rid of expired coupons.
I look only at expiration dates and get rid of those that have passed or will pass before my next trip. It is important to get these expired coupons out of your stash before you make your newest shopping plan. They can very easily become distractions and even mess up a shopping trip. If they are in your binder, you make your list with them in mind, and then get to the store only to find out that they are expired, it can truly mess up you savings.
Each time I purge I am reminded of the importance of a coupon swap. I just emptied my binder of expired coupons and found that I had hundreds of dollars in unused deals. It is important to have many coupons on hand but it seems wasteful to not pass the coupon love along to my fellow coupon divas.
Happy purging and remember to share the love!!!