Some Parts are Not for Sharing

Unfortunately we live in an imperfect world. There are bad people. Personal safety is something parents have to constantly stay aware of for their innocent children. As a childhood sexual abuse survivor by a distant family member, this examiner can speak first hand to the darkness that lurks inside the human soul. Sexual abuse is something that follows you for the duration of your life. You heal, you cope, you forgive but you will always be scarred.
This is such a difficult topic for parents to discuss with their children. You want to give them the knowledge they need to say no when appropriate, but you don’t want to make them fearful or steal their innocence by too graphic of an explanation.
In Central Texas alone you can read about countless child abuse allegations at online news sites like and It is a reality, and a dangerous one.
A new book written by Julie K. Federico, and charmingly illustrated by Kurt Jones gives parents a resource to speak to their children about keeping themselves safe in an imperfect world.
“Some Parts are Not for Sharing” is an adorable, kid-friendly guide to what parts of our bodies are not for others to touch. The introduction of the topic by cute fishy characters lightens the subject matter and keeps children’s attention. The explanation of private parts being what is covered by a bathing suit is effective while not being too graphic for small ears.
This book will empower generations of children and give them a voice, and opportunity to say NO to what is improper before they are exploited.
This examiner, mother, and child abuse survivor gives “Some Parts are Not for Sharing” five out of five stars. This book is a great read, not too long to lose your child’s attention, and wonderful to add to your home library.
“Some Parts are Not for Sharing” is published by Tate Publishers and some versions even come with a free audio download. The book is appropriate for age 6 months and up.
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and get ordering information at above link as well.


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