Blogging for Books Review #1

The Everything Christmas Book: Stories, Songs, Food, Traditions, Revelry, and More [Paperback]

Brandon Toropov (Author), Sharon Gapen Cook (Author), Marian Gonsior (Editor), Susan Robinson (Editor), Peter Weiss (Editor), Barry Littmann (Illustrator)

As the cover states, "celebrate the joy of the Advent Season with the Best of Christmas Past and Present".
I found this book to be a charming daily devotional, perfect for the chaos that is the month of December. Heartwarming stories and tummy tickling recipes will help you slowly and comfortably make the transition into the season that we can very easily find ourselves overwhelmed.
This book can guide you in a very memorial, and poetic way back to the true meaning and spirit of this holiday season.
Wonderful recipes long forgotten, adorable hymns whose lyrics sometimes fall aside from generation to generation and become nothing more than a recognizable tune void of meaning. But NOT SO, with Everything Christmas.
You will find wonderful quotations for very recognizable and beloved literary figures, much loved carols, Biblical scripture references, roots of some of our most beloved traditions, and recipes worthy of stealing the spotlight at any holiday party.
Everything Christmas is a must read, and a great inspirational guide to warm and comfort you through even the toughest holiday season.

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