Once Upon a Time...

I would like to tell you a story. I am sharing this not for you to pity me nor see me as a charity case but to Glorify God in my situation. Please do not feel like I am asking you to bail me out, I realize that the circumstances I am in are because of my sinful ways [wasting money, eating out (come to find out food is an idol in my life), living above my means]...I have made alot of bad decisions--couple that with a few major plumbing problems, an expensive childbirth and here I sit today.
So here goes...
I am at the end of a very trying 2 week period. Two weeks ago today I sat down to finalize my budget and found myself to have only $20 left and no groceries nor gas. Hmmmm, I didnt see how that was going to work. I finagled this and then I finagled that and THEN, THEN, THEN, I realized I HADNT EVEN TITHED! I have made a new vow that I WILL tithe 10%, something I had yet to do in my adult life. I sighed, tried to take myself out of it (HA) and started over with a tithe. After much moaning and anxiety and prayer I just had to let it go becaue there was nothing I could do and now I was even deeper in the whole than when I started out.
OK, so first off Jason and I came up with tons of items to sell to help make ends meet
dvd stand
patio table
chi plat iron
over 50 DVDs
Coke ice cream table
deep freeze
and the list continues.
We made some real headway this way and in the process learned to not build up treasures here on Earth and to live more simply.
Then in conversation with my mom it came out about my situation. Mom usually sends the girls money for their saving account. She sent that and then some...$200. That was enough to cover my groceries.
Jason and I were so thankful that we had to share this experience with our life group and a few friends. A few days later we got an anonymous Walmart Gift Card in the mail for $60...that was gas $$.
God is so good.
How very prideful of me to try to fix the situation on paper, to try to find a way to make it work, to believe that I could change it somehow. Just giving up in my flesh and handing it to God made order come out of chaos.
Believe me, I am no expert when it comes to handing stresses over to God but WOW! I did and WOW! It made such a believer out of me. Isnt it funny that although we say we 'believe' in God and 'believe' His word that we find it so difficult to actually obey. I never realized disbelief was such a stronghold in my life. To just obey in the purest sense of the word...God says so and then I do it.
How much easier would life be if we lived that way?


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