How to prepare for the Composite Science 8-12 TEXES certification exam
My goodness! It has been a while since I have written. It has been a wild few months with some great achievements, a new job, cool training, lots of studying and some awesome experiences. What I feel to be one of my greatest accomplishments is passing the composite science TEXES exam. So, I thought I would take the time to blog about how I prepared for it. I know that when I was getting ready to take the test, I was a bit discouraged with the lack of reliable resources about how I should prepare. Let me begin with a bit of background. Everyone will approach this test from difference backgrounds, experience etc. If you are right out of college with a good understanding of Chemistry and Physics as well as basic Biology concepts you may be able to barely pass the exam--but pass none-the-less. However, if you are like me--several years removed from any sort of formal education, you are going to have to work for it. I graduated Baylor in...