Growing our Heritage: In Search of a Full Quiver--From A to Z, month 1.5
Stolle party of 6! It has been a little over the one month mark since we added a new member to our family. We are now a family of 6. The similarities between Z's story and A's story and behaviors are uncanny. We learned a lot our first go-around with A about how best to handle discipline and behaviors of children from hard places and it has all come in handy. I find myself to be far less exhausted and on edge this go around; there really is a huge learning curve when dealing with adding 8 year old boys you barely know to your family. Z is a joy. He is a adorable ball of energy; full of love, creativity and butt cheek jokes (yes, I'm serious). He calls me momma or mommy and loves sitting in my lap and snuggling. He calls Jason daddy with ease, and has even asked to sit in his lap from time to time. My life has become a tornado of beyblades, pokemon cards, xbox discs, sports and fart jokes--and I wouldn't change it for the world! I just c...