Growing Our Heritage: In Search of a Full Quiver Month 5
So I've been MIA for a while. We are now closing in on our adoption date and things are good. We still have rough waters but the frequency of them is less and less. A has now really assimilated into the family and it's like he was always here, and I cannot imagine life without him at this point. He's a big goofy ball of snuggles, cuddles, leggos, minecraft, xbox and nerf wars. I was, however, woefully unprepared for the tornado that is boyhood--the ruined clothes alone are shocking! But so much of what we encounter these days are simply boy issues and not trauma/foster care issues. I will say that Jason and I are still shocked by the injustices of this child's prior life experiences. For the sake of his privacy I won't do into detail but there are so many life skills that he just doesn't have because no one took the time to teach him, or later on ask him if he knew how to do them. We keep stumbling into things and saying, "That never...