MoDRN day 5--research platform presentations
Our group discovered just what we expected. Many companies market their products as green with labeling etc without actually having been held to any green standards. The only products that have been tested to meet green chemistry standards are those with the EPA safer choice label. So this last day of MoDRN at Baylor University was great. All the groups worked on their platform presentations that morning and presented after lunch. As far as the findings go, they were very interesting and unpredictable between product groups. We found that the insect repellent marketed as green was indeed less toxic, however, in the case of body wash green marketing did not exactly mean less toxic (to D.magna) For example, we showed these two examples of product marketing and asked the audience to pick which one they would buy if they were looking for a green product. Everyone chose Simple Green, however, Odoban actually has the EPA safer choice logo meani...