
Showing posts from January, 2012

Airrosti...there are no words (OK there are a few)

Today was my release  appointment from Dr. Hill, my airrosti provider.  I cannot effectively put into words the relieff I feel from having gone through this treatment program.  I have spent YEARS (you can read the prior blog post entitled Da y 7: End of fast and Airrosti for the background on that) suffering in pain and only finding doctors who wanted to either medicate me, electrocute me, or stick a huge needle into my spinal column.  I had five 1-hour Airrosti sessions and I now know the cause of my pain, how to retrain my body to stop creating the pain, and where to go if the pain returns--no narcotics necessary. Upon first visiting Dr. Hill I was amazed at the force he had to use to straighten out my fascia and relax my muscles.  It was intense!!!  I used to poke fun at my husband because he REFUSED to rub my neck, sometimes even if I were in tears, because he said it hurt his hands.  I just thought he was being a big baby.  But th...

Reposted from email: Father of Columbine Victim and his speech to Congress

Columbine student's father 12 years later Definitely worth the read! Guess our national leaders didn't expect this. On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful. They were ill-prepared for what he was about to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, teacher, politician, sociologist, psychologist, and so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness. The following is a portion of the transcript: "Since the dawn of creation, there has been both good and evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of vi...

New Life Resolution Day 8: Quiet Time Reveal, The Power of the Living Word

So today is the second day that I am post juice fast.  I still feel awesome.  I am eating mostly fruits and veggies with a tad it of meat when I go out, Like Wednesday night dinner last night at Erath.  But I am avoiding junk food.  God called me to quiet time with Him this morning.  My quiet time is an everyday goal but I will be honest and admit that it far too easily falls by the way-side. I sat down this morning with my Bible and prayed for God to reveal his will for me to me and this is what I found.  I opened to the middle of the book of Daniel and I was intrigued by the fasting vision Daniel had of a huge war with rules that sounded uncannily like our governments today.  I read 2-3 chapters and decided that I needed to start at the beginning.  What I found litterly made me call out to God and immediately call my husband. Daniel 1:8-16 8-10 But Daniel determined that he would not defile himself by eating the king's food or drinking his w...

Day 7: End of fast and Airrosti

So I ended my juice fast last night. I ate some salsa, guacamole and chips. I was having a hard time concentrating and yes I could have just pushed through but I am not my only responsibility. I have 2 precious little girls in my care and when my fog started to effect my driving I figured it was time to pull the plug. In all I lost 10 lbs in 6 days...not too bad...but weight loss was not my primary goal. Don't get me wrong, it was a great side-effect of the fast but not the greatest. Let me tell you what!!!!!! I feel AMAZING! I woke this morning and the only thing that sounded the least bit good was pineapple and strawberries with a cup of coffee and a dab of soy milk in the coffee for creamer. Not too far of a divergence from my fast diet except for the caffeine and the fact that I actually got to chew something. The fog has lifted and I am soooo very energized. Normally with my swelling and arthritis normal, everyday tasks can be difficult for me to accomplish. I am usually let...

Airriosti visit 2/Juice fast day 6

Good energy today.  Feeling good about my decision to make it a 10day fast.  Thirty days is just not feasible for me as this time.  I plan to eat healthy for 1-2 weeks and may be revisit a longer juice fast depending on how I feel.  It is doing good so far though--I just miss chewing! I had my 2nd airriosti visit today.  OUCH!  Airiosti is a intense form of deep muscle manipulation that focuses on the fascia surrounding the muscles.  I have had severe neck pain for 5+ years.  I have bulging discs and twisted vertebra--I was told that these were the source of my pain.  WRONG!  Countless muscle relaxers, a neurosurgeon and one epidural cortisone shot later I found myself here, at Airriosti.  I am so very thankful that I ended up here. I wont lie to you, it HURTS.  I get nauseous and have almost fainted.  I am terribly sore the day after even when I follow orders and ice, but the pain is diminishing.  I can fall asleep...

Morning of day 5

So I am definitely waking and rising alot easier.  I have never been a morning person, I am actually that person who grumbles moodily until I ingest copious amount of coffee and sit unbothered for some number of minutes.  But not this morning.  Jason woke me to tell me it was time to get up and I thought, ah maaannnn, but then got up and at em with great ease.  Made our juice, had my quiet time, stripped 2 beds, tended to a sick kid all before I normally would have had a chance to drink that first cup of coffee.  I can live with this. Yesterday evening was BAAADDDD HARD!  I wanted to eat anything and everything.  I DO NOT like KFC and even their commercial on tv was making my mouth water. I know myself and as of now I fear that I am going to have a hard time not binging when I break this fast.  But for now I will just worry myself with today. Cheers!

Green Smoothie/juice fast Evening of day 4

Not gonna lie.  It has been a hard day.  I want to eat everything, even the mediocre corn dogs the kids had this evening.  I had juice for breakfast and lunch and then a smoothie for dinner.  I think that I am favoring the juice.  The smoothies just seem to have too much pulp for my liking. Went to church today and crashed when I came home.  I seriously napped for 4 hours.  I am ready for the fatigue to lift.  When is it supposed to lift?  As I sat down this evening to my smoothie I told my hubby that I didnt know if I could do 30 days.  I am not really struggling with the physical pangs of hunger but I am struggling with emotionally wanting to just EAT!  I like food.  I like to, I LOVE to eat.  I guess that is how I got to be a whopping 300 lbs. Asking for your prayers...

Green Smoothie and juice fast morning of day 3

It is the morning of day 3, and so far so good.  I am still in the early stages of detox.  I am tired, lethargic and I had a monsterous headache yesterday but I have n ot really been hungry.  As of this morning I do not have a headache, that is good news.  I have been combining green smoothies and juice.  I am using this method mostly to cut cost.  It takes ALOT of produce to get 12 oz of juice.  I am juicing the less palateable veggies and then putting that juice into my smoothies.  I am also drinking some of the juices straight, like the famous MEAN GREEN juice. Some of the things I am using are spinach, squash, eggplant, pineapple, ginger, lemon, lime, orange, apple, bananna, celery, bell pepper, blackberries, grapes, carrots, pears, etc... Thus far 6lbs lost.

Fast begins tomorrow---surpise from hubby

So my fast begins tomorrow morning.  Jason went grocery shopping tonight to get all my fruits, veggies etc and got me a great suprise.  We were unpacking all the goods and Jason kept acting weird.  He kept laughing at me.  I thought he was making fun of me for doing the juice fast/smoothie fast because of the Jim Carey In Living Color Skit  that he showed me the other day. So I made a big deal about him not making fun of me.  I wanted him to tell me why he kept laughing and the he asked me where my blender I had set out on the counter had came from.  I was sooo confused.  He unplugged my blender and started to put it up.  I was freaking out.  I had no clue what he was doing and then I looked down!  All along I had been standing next too, touching and evening at times moving the box of a brand new juicer!!!!!  So he WAS making fun of me all along but not for wanting to do this fast--because I am a big fat doof!!  I l...

New Life Resolution--Green Smoothie fast preplanning

I have come across lots of information lately that has all pointed towards whole foods, raw foods and low animal based foods diet as the ideal diet for autoimmune dosorders.  I have watched things like "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", "FoodMatters" and "Forks over Knives" among other things. I have a fibromyalgia diagnosis, but it seems to be partially if not completely, in remission.  I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.  I am considered pre-lupus---and I am only 30 years old. And as of today I am considering a visit to the doctor for a test for Cushings disease. I have been on methotrexate for 3 years, muscle relaxers for 3 years, antidepressants for 4 years, blood pressure meds for 2 years and things do not seem to be getting better.  I am going to greatly humble myself here and admit that my weight teeters at 300lbs.  Yes, you read that right.  There are alot of mitigating factors but I cannot deny that I am solely to blame, period.  I got m...