So here is the low-down: My knee
Went to see Dr. Ellis today at Sports Medicine clinic to discuss my MRI results. Yeah--it was pretty nasty. He showed me the scan and basically surgery is my only feasible option. And I have to slow down in the meantime--if you know me you know that I don't find that quite so easy. He even put me on crutches to help slow me down and make me more careful. I am set-up for Oct.4. My knee is so angry still from the dislocation (and too much use) that it is too inflamed to operate. He wants to give it 2 more weeks to calm down. Also bad news: I have to come off my aleve and methotrexate 1 week before surgery so I will probably be a lousy lump on a log--no fun. Here is the gist of the procedure--gnarly indeed. First incision about 2-3 inches along the front of my shin. They harvest tendon from my thigh muscle. Then they make a 2 inch incision at the right side of my kneecap and attach the harvested tendon into the kneecap with screws....