Raeleigh's first birthday Luau
Celebrated June 13 with a swim party. There were 11 kids including my own. Everyone had a blast. Raeleigh had a custome cake made for her by Coffey Custome Cakes--it was a sandcastle. Lara Jane did a great job! We also served watermelon flavored sherbert and drinks...lots and lots of drinks--it was very hot. The kiddos had 3 swim pools. One 1 ring, the big one, another wading pool plus one at the bottom of the playground slide. A crazy flower sprinkle sat atop the playground keeping everything misted and cool. And for the older kiddos, a slip n slide sat in the sun. PS. Raeleigh started walking the day of her party! And on a less important note, Jason threw me in the stinkin pool! At least I got to cool off! hehe